Featured Farmer: Butterbean Community Farm – Madison Eats Food Tours
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Farmers holding butterbean squash

Featured Farmer: Butterbean Community Farm

Farmers Sarah Luetzow and Dan Neely of Butterbean Community Farm bring the country to the city each week, setting up a market-style pick up for their CSA members in the backyard of their eastside Madison home. Share holders can select their favorite red peppers out of the pile on the table, or choose from kale or chard, for example.


Hold on, farmers that live in the city? Yes, that’s right. Sarah and Dan explain that more and more young farmers are leasing small pieces of farmland while they begin to build their business, making it possible to afford necessary start up equiptment such as walk-in coolers and tractors.

Dan and Sarah have extensive and varied farming experience, ranging from volunteering with WOOF in Spain to working at City Farm in Chicago, and most recently Jen Erh Farm in Sun Prarie. This is the first year of Butterbean Farm’s CSA; they grow the produce for their 14 CSA members on ½ of their acre plot near Marshall, WI.


Though both have psychology degrees, farming is their passion. Their 20-week CSA gives locals a share of the certified organic fruits and vegetables of their labor, as well as cut flowers. They also partner with Sun Harvest Farm and offer an egg share. Joining a CSA supports our community in more ways than one! Dan and Sarah donate any extra produce from their small farm to local food pantries and the Eat for Equity dinners. In addition, Evan Dannells, co-owner of 4 & 20 Bakery and Cafe (a frequent stop on the B-cycle Brunch tours ) buys produce from Butterbean Farm for the cafe, feeding a lot of happy customers with farm-fresh ingredients each day! Supporting our local farmers nourishes not just the body, but the soul.

Contact Butterbean Community Farm at [email protected]